Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 3.426
EU - Europa 3.020
AS - Asia 1.033
SA - Sud America 32
AF - Africa 13
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 8
Totale 7.532
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 3.413
IE - Irlanda 897
UA - Ucraina 494
IT - Italia 491
GB - Regno Unito 367
DE - Germania 310
CN - Cina 281
HK - Hong Kong 250
SG - Singapore 232
FI - Finlandia 125
KR - Corea 107
SE - Svezia 99
GR - Grecia 85
TR - Turchia 60
FR - Francia 49
BE - Belgio 38
PK - Pakistan 36
BR - Brasile 31
VN - Vietnam 28
AT - Austria 21
IR - Iran 13
CA - Canada 11
JP - Giappone 11
PL - Polonia 10
HU - Ungheria 9
ZA - Sudafrica 8
EU - Europa 7
RU - Federazione Russa 6
NL - Olanda 5
EG - Egitto 4
ID - Indonesia 4
RO - Romania 4
ES - Italia 3
IN - India 2
MX - Messico 2
PT - Portogallo 2
SY - Repubblica araba siriana 2
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 1
EC - Ecuador 1
IL - Israele 1
IQ - Iraq 1
LT - Lituania 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MK - Macedonia 1
NO - Norvegia 1
PH - Filippine 1
TG - Togo 1
TW - Taiwan 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
Totale 7.532
Città #
Dublin 892
Jacksonville 744
Chandler 598
Santa Clara 563
Hong Kong 249
Princeton 141
Singapore 129
Medford 127
Ann Arbor 112
Bremen 112
Seoul 105
Wilmington 92
Roxbury 78
Caserta 76
Boardman 73
San Mateo 68
Woodbridge 47
Naples 42
Cambridge 36
Jinan 35
Ashburn 32
Castellammare Di Stabia 31
Nanjing 30
Dong Ket 28
Brussels 27
Des Moines 27
Napoli 26
Shenyang 25
Beijing 21
Paris 21
Norwalk 17
Innsbruck 16
Hangzhou 15
Hebei 15
Florence 14
Haikou 14
New York 14
Aversa 13
Islamabad 13
Auburn Hills 12
Nanchang 12
Zhengzhou 12
Ningbo 11
Palma Campania 10
Tianjin 10
Changsha 9
Houston 9
Redwood City 9
Taizhou 9
Düsseldorf 8
London 8
Los Angeles 8
Milan 8
Mountain View 8
Pretoria 8
Castelpagano 7
Toronto 7
Turin 7
Jiaxing 6
Karachi 6
Montesarchio 6
Parabiago 6
Paterno 6
Fremont 5
Groningen 5
Gunzenhausen 5
Helsinki 5
Latina 5
Sant'Anastasia 5
Taiyuan 5
Xiangfen 5
Arzano 4
Budapest 4
Dorgali 4
Gaithersburg 4
Grammichele 4
Guangzhou 4
Jakarta 4
Lanzhou 4
Maddaloni 4
Nola 4
Ottawa 4
Vienna 4
Avellino 3
Bonn 3
Boston 3
Casavatore 3
Casoria 3
Edinburgh 3
Frankfurt am Main 3
Gif-sur-Yvette 3
Kokuryōchō 3
Madrid 3
Marano Di Napoli 3
Marigliano 3
Ninomiya 3
Poznan 3
Rome 3
Sassari 3
Shanghai 3
Totale 5.059
Nome #
Doppler-Broadening Gas Thermometry at 1.39 μm: Towards a New Spectroscopic Determination of the Boltzmann Constant 115
The Boltzmann project 99
The Boltzmann constant from the shape of a molecular spectral line 95
Doppler-width thermodynamic thermometry by means of line-absorbance analysis 94
Doppler-limited precision spectroscopy of HD at 1.4 μm: An improved determination of the R(1) center frequency 88
Absolute frequency metrology of the CHF3 8.6-µm ro-vibrational spectrum at 10−11 level 83
Experimental test of the quadratic approximation in the partially correlated speed-dependent hard-collision profile 79
Absolute frequency stabilization of an extended-cavity diode laser by means of noise-immune cavity-enhanced optical heterodyne molecular spectroscopy 78
Absorption-line-shape recovery beyond the detection-bandwidth limit: Application to the precision spectroscopic measurement of the Boltzmann constant 78
Assessing soil respiration by means of near-infrared diode laser spectroscopy 78
Absolute frequency measurements of CHF3 Doppler-free ro-vibrational transitions at 8.6  micron 78
Characterization of the frequency stability of an optical frequency standard at 1.39 μm based upon noise-immune cavity-enhanced optical heterodyne molecular spectroscopy 77
Ab initio calculations of the spectral shapes of CO2 isolated lines including non-Voigt effects and comparisons with experiments 76
Dual-laser frequency-stabilized cavity ring-down spectroscopy for water vapor density measurements 76
Optical feedback laser absorption spectroscopy of N2O at 2 μm 76
Experimental indication of a nuclear volume contribution to the isotope shift of atomic oxygen 75
Determination of the Boltzmann Constant by Means of Precision Measurements of H2(18)O Line Shapes at 1.39 micron 75
Dual-laser absorption spectroscopy of C2H2 at 1.4 μm 75
Cavity-ring-down Doppler-broadening primary thermometry 74
Linearity of a silicon carbide photodiode in the deep-UV spectral region: implications on Doppler broadening thermometry 74
Optical Determination of Thermodynamic Temperatures from a C2H2 Line-Doublet in the Near Infrared 72
Observing the intrinsic linewidth of a quantum-cascade laser: beyond the Schawlow-Townes limit. 69
Narrow-linewidth quantum cascade laser at 8.6 μm 69
Speed-dependent effects in the near-infrared spectrum of self-colliding H218O molecules 68
Oxygen isotope ratio measurements in CO2 by means of a continuous-wave quantum cascade laser at 4.3micron 67
Design and Capabilities of the Temperature Control System for the Italian Experiment Based on Precision Laser Spectroscopy for a New Determination of the Boltzmann Constant 65
Absolute frequency stabilization of an extended-cavity diode laser against Doppler-free H217O absorption lines at 1.384 micron 65
Absolute frequency measurement of a water stabilized diode laser at 1.384 micron by means of a fiber frequency comb 65
Velocity effects on the shape of pure H2O isolated lines: Complementary tests of the partially correlated speed-dependent Keilson-Storer model 64
Comb-assisted cavity ring-down spectroscopy for ultra-sensitive traceable measurements of water vapour in ultra-high purity gases 63
An Efficient Approximation for a Wavelength-Modulated 2nd Harmonic Lineshape from a Voigt Absorption Profile 63
Speed dependence of collision parameters in the H2O18 near-IR spectrum: Experimental test of the quadratic approximation 63
Frequency noise reduction of a DFB diode laser at 1393 nm 63
The Boltzmann constant from the H2(18)O vibration–rotation spectrum: complementary tests and revised uncertainty budget 62
Remote sensing of volcanic gases with a DFB-laser based spectrometer 61
Lamb-dip-locked quantum cascade laser for comb-referenced IR absolute frequency measurements. 61
First field determination of the13C/12 C isotope ratio in volcanic CO2 by diode-laser spectrometry 61
Direct phase-locking of a 8.6-μm quantum cascade laser to a mid-IR optical frequency comb: application to precision spectroscopy of N2O 61
Cavity enhanced molecular absorption spectroscopy: A powerful tool to detect trace gases 61
Absolute molecular density determinations by direct referencing of a quantum cascade laser to an optical frequency comb 60
Highly accurate intensity factors of pure CO2 lines near 2 μm 60
Precision spectroscopy of HD at 1.38 μ m 60
Temperature dependence of self-broadening in molecular oxygen spectrum 59
A new approach to impedance spectroscopy 59
Primary gas thermometry by means of laser-absorption spectroscopy: Determination of the boltzmann constant 59
Quiet Cascade: Measuring QCL Intrinsic Linewidth 58
The FAMU experiment: muonic hydrogen high precision spectroscopy studies 57
Tunable UV spectrometer for Doppler broadening thermometry of mercury 57
High precision determinations of NH3 concentration by means of diode laser spectrometry at 2.005 micron 56
Frequency-comb-assisted precision laser spectroscopy of CHF3 around 8.6 μm 56
Linking the thermodynamic temperature to an optical frequency: Recent advances in Doppler broadening thermometry 56
Offset-frequency locking of extended cavity diode lasers for precision spectroscopy of water at 1.38 micron 55
Hyperfine structure and isotope shift investigations of atomic nitrogen by saturation spectroscopy 55
Comb-assisted spectroscopy of CO2 absorption profiles in the near- and mid-infrared regions 55
The lineshape problem in Doppler-width thermometry 54
Combined interferometric and absorption-spectroscopic technique for determining molecular line strengths: Applications to CO2 54
Frequency metrology in the near-infrared spectrum of H217O and H218O molecules: Testing a new inversion method for energy levels retrieval 54
Amount-ratio determinations of water isotopologues by dual-laser absorption spectrometry 54
Optical feedback cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy for in situ measurements of the ratio 13C:12C in CO2 53
Recommended isolated-line profile for representing high- resolution spectroscopic transitions 53
Visible and ultraviolet high resolution spectroscopy of TiI and TiII 53
Spectroscopy of the 689 nm intercombination line of strontium using an extended-cavity InGaP/InGaAlP diode laser 53
Progress towards the determination of thermodynamic temperature with ultra-low uncertainty 53
Evaluation of local heating in Doppler-broadening thermometry based on cavity ring-down spectroscopy 53
On the determination of the Boltzmann constant by means of precision molecular spectroscopy in the near-infrared 52
Measuring the 13C/ 12C isotope ratio in atmospheric CO2 by means of laser absorption spectrometry: A new perspective based on a 2.05-µm diode laser 52
Investigation of b1Sigma+g(v=0)-X3Sigma-g(v=0) magnetic-dipole transitions in 18O2 52
Detection of H2O and CO2 using DFB diode lasers: measurement of broadening coefficients and assessment of the accuracy levels for volcanic monitoring 52
High resolution spectroscopy of iridium in a hollow cathode discharge 52
Laser spectroscopy in weak plasma generated in glow discharges 52
Mid-infrared quantitative spectroscopy by comb-referencing of a quantum-cascade-laser: Application to the CO2 spectrum at 4.3 micron 52
Lamb-dip cavity ring-down spectroscopy of acetylene at 1.4 μm 52
Erratum: Doppler-limited precision spectroscopy of HD at 1.4 μm: An improved determination of the R (1) center frequency (Physical Review A (2021) 103 (022828) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.103.022828) 52
Advances in laser-based isotope ratio measurements: selected applications 51
Isotope Shifts and Hyperfine Structures Investigation of Doubly Excited Levels in SrI 51
Absolute frequency stabilization of a QCL at 86  µm by modulation transfer spectroscopy 51
Cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy of molecular oxygen 50
Absolute frequency spectroscopy at 4.3 μm by direct referencing of a Quantum-Cascade-Laser to an Er: Fiber laser-based frequency-comb 50
Investigating the ultimate accuracy of Doppler-broadening thermometry by means of a global fitting procedure 50
Measurement of the mercury (6s6p)P13-state lifetime in the frequency domain from integrated absorbance data 49
Frequency-comb-referenced quantum-cascade laser at 4.4 μm 49
Modulational instability analysis of the cylindrical nonlinear von Neumann equation 49
Line broadening investigation of the oxygen A band 49
Rovibrational fine structure and transition dipole moment of CF 3 H by frequency-comb-assisted saturated spectroscopy at 8.6 µm 49
Trace-gas analysis using diode lasers in the near-IR and long-path techniques 48
The line shape problem in the near-infrared spectrum of self-colliding CO2 molecules: experimental investigation and test of semiclassical models 48
Primary gas thermometry by means of near-IR diode laser spectroscopy 48
Polarization spectroscopy of atomic oxygen by dye and semiconductor diode lasers 46
Optical methods for monitoring of volcanoes: techniques and new perspectives 46
Line-narrowing effects in the near-infrared spectrum of water and precision determination of spectroscopic parameters 46
High sensitivity detection of NO2 by using a 740 nm semiconductor diode laser 46
The iMERA/EUROMET Joint Research Project for New Determinations of the Boltzmann Constant 46
Impedance spectroscopy and new schemes for diagnostics of oxygen atom 46
Direct referencing of a quantum-cascade-laser at 4.3 μm to a near-infrared frequency comb 46
High-precision molecular interrogation by direct referencing of a quantum-cascade-laser to a near-infrared frequency comb 45
Primary gas thermometry by means of near-infrared laser absorption spectroscopy and determination of the Boltzmann constant 44
Non-linear spectroscopy in silicon hollow waveguides and absolute references for Wavelength Division Multiplexing 44
Versatile mid-infrared frequency-comb referenced sub-Doppler spectrometer 44
The IMERAPlus joint research project for determinations of the Boltzmann constant 43
Totale 6.009
Categoria #
all - tutte 35.052
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 35.052

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020290 0 0 0 0 0 0 140 22 60 19 24 25
2020/20211.342 111 20 161 79 356 21 134 124 12 139 110 75
2021/2022857 95 15 18 15 304 17 23 28 28 7 59 248
2022/20232.060 205 40 29 213 258 190 6 144 867 20 48 40
2023/2024697 61 44 41 70 240 25 24 13 7 11 64 97
2024/20251.194 16 129 25 59 371 344 250 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 7.775