ZENI, Luigi
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 7.948
EU - Europa 7.591
AS - Asia 1.408
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 13
OC - Oceania 7
SA - Sud America 7
AF - Africa 3
Totale 16.977
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 7.903
IE - Irlanda 2.656
UA - Ucraina 1.186
IT - Italia 1.065
GB - Regno Unito 952
SG - Singapore 612
DE - Germania 601
CN - Cina 447
FI - Finlandia 318
SE - Svezia 296
GR - Grecia 252
TR - Turchia 167
FR - Francia 102
KR - Corea 65
CA - Canada 44
NL - Olanda 32
BE - Belgio 31
VN - Vietnam 28
IN - India 27
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 18
HK - Hong Kong 18
AT - Austria 14
ES - Italia 14
EU - Europa 12
PK - Pakistan 11
PT - Portogallo 11
IR - Iran 9
RU - Federazione Russa 9
JP - Giappone 8
PL - Polonia 8
AU - Australia 7
DK - Danimarca 7
RO - Romania 5
BR - Brasile 4
CH - Svizzera 3
ID - Indonesia 3
BG - Bulgaria 2
EC - Ecuador 2
IQ - Iraq 2
SI - Slovenia 2
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 1
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AR - Argentina 1
BT - Bhutan 1
DZ - Algeria 1
EG - Egitto 1
ET - Etiopia 1
HR - Croazia 1
HU - Ungheria 1
IL - Israele 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
LT - Lituania 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
LV - Lettonia 1
MY - Malesia 1
NO - Norvegia 1
OM - Oman 1
PA - Panama 1
PH - Filippine 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
TH - Thailandia 1
TW - Taiwan 1
Totale 16.977
Città #
Dublin 2.647
Jacksonville 1.945
Santa Clara 1.474
Chandler 854
Ann Arbor 426
Princeton 404
Singapore 367
Roxbury 323
Medford 271
Bremen 243
Boardman 180
Wilmington 156
Caserta 151
Cambridge 150
New York 115
Woodbridge 115
Beijing 104
Ashburn 96
Naples 94
San Mateo 90
Des Moines 79
Nanjing 48
Seoul 42
Napoli 36
Düsseldorf 35
Norwalk 34
Milan 33
Ottawa 33
Aversa 31
Munich 31
Mountain View 30
Brussels 29
Dong Ket 28
Jinan 26
Casalnuovo 24
Marigliano 24
Rome 24
Volla 22
Nanchang 19
Pozzuoli 19
Shanghai 18
Shenyang 18
Houston 17
Lappeenranta 17
London 17
Zhengzhou 17
Hong Kong 15
Venice 15
Brno 14
Helsinki 12
Los Angeles 12
Redwood City 12
Auburn Hills 11
Bellizzi 11
Bologna 11
Fairfield 11
Groningen 11
Tianjin 11
Kunming 10
Lanzhou 10
Pune 10
Vienna 10
Afragola 9
Amsterdam 9
Florence 9
Guangzhou 9
Lucca 9
Calvanico 8
Ningbo 8
Hangzhou 7
Hebei 7
Istanbul 7
Mercato San Severino 7
Siena 7
Tokyo 7
Torino 7
Acerra 6
Bergamo 6
Garching 6
Lahore 6
Marsala 6
Melbourne 6
Montréal 6
Taizhou 6
Athens 5
Changsha 5
Haikou 5
Jiaxing 5
Køge 5
Mumbai 5
Pavia 5
Pisa 5
Seattle 5
Taiyuan 5
Viterbo 5
Alcamo 4
Berlin 4
Corleone 4
Duncan 4
Eraclea 4
Totale 11.375
Nome #
Sensore ottico per la rilevazione della concentrazione di almeno una sostanza esplosiva in una soluzione acquosa e metodo di rilevazione che utilizza tale sensore 107
Test preliminari per l’uso del DTS attivo nella misura non invasiva dell’umidità del tufo 99
A Laboratory Study on the Use of Optical Fibers for Early Detection of Pre-Failure Slope Movements in Shallow Granular Soil Deposits 96
Metodo di ricostruzione del profilo di shift Brillouin in fibra ottica a partire da misure di scattering di Brillouin eseguite nel dominio della frequenza 86
Apparato di irradiazione di un impulso elettromagnetico nel dominio del tempo a relativo metodo di sintesi di un impulso elettromagnetico 82
Early detection of pre-failure slope deformations in granular soils by using fiber sensing technique 82
An Experimental Investigation on the Progressive Failure of Unsaturated Granular Slopes 82
An easy way to realize SPR aptasensors: a multimode plastic optical fiber platform for cancer biomarkers detection 80
Structural damage identification in an aluminum composite plate by Brillouin sensing 78
Distributed strain measurement along a concrete beam via stimulated Brilluoin scattering in optical fibers 75
Moisture Measurements In Masonry Materials Using Active Distributed Optical Fiber Sensors 75
Rilievo tramite fibre ottiche delle deformazioni pre-rottura di pendii soggetti a frane rapide 74
Heterodyne slope-assisted Brillouin optical time-domain analysis for dynamic strain measurements 73
Use of optical fibers for early monitoring of fast landslide triggering 72
"Structural Monitoring By Means Of Distributed Fiber-Optic Sensors" 72
Experimental modal analysis of an aluminum rectangular plate by use of the slope-assisted BOTDA method 68
D-galactose/D-glucose-binding Protein from Escherichia coli as Probe for a Non-consuming Glucose Implantable Fluorescence Biosensor 68
Bend-induced Brillouin frequency shift variation in a single-mode fiber 68
Moisture measurement in masonry materials using active distributed optical fiber sensors 68
Advanced monitoring criteria for precocious alerting of rainfall-induced flowslides 66
Identification of defects and strain error estimation for bending steel beams using time domain Brillouin distributed optical fiber sensors 65
Analisi nel dominio della frequenza dei sensori distribuiti in fibra ottica basati sullo scattering stimolato di Brillouin 64
Accurate high-resolution fiber-optic distributed strain measurements for structural health monitoring 62
Analysis of the Brillouin Gain spectrum in a graded-index multimode fiber 62
Distributed Strain Measurements with Optic-Fibre Sensors 62
A 2 × 2 optofluidic multimode interference coupler 61
Fluorescence detection by metal-clad optical leaky waveguides 61
Active vibration control of a cantilever beam via distributed optical fiber sensor 61
A Blumlein-type Nanosecond Pulse Generator with Interchangeable Transmission Lines for bioelectrical applications 61
2D MMI devices based on integrated hollow ARROW waveguides 60
Advanced monitoring criteria for precocious alerting of rainfall-induced landslides 60
Method for measuring the Brillouin shift distribution along optical fiber based on the optical demodulation of the signals, and relevant apparatus 60
Dynamic Loading of Overhead Lines by Adaptive Learning Techniques and Distributed Temperature Sensing 59
A novel configuration for a wide range high power fiber optic current sensor 59
Strtain measure in laboratory experiments on concrete beams by means of optical fiber sensors 59
A Nanoplasmonic-Based Biosensing Approach for Wide-Range and Highly Sensitive Detection of Chemicals 59
Distributed optical fiber sensors for precocious alerting of rainfall-induced landslides 58
Analizzatore di stabilità modale per laser pulsati 58
Biochemical sensing exploiting plasmonic sensors based on gold nanogratings and polymer optical fibers 58
Distributed optical fiber sensor applications in geotechnical monitoring 58
An instrumented flume to investigate the mechanics of rainfall-induced landslides in unsaturated granular soils 57
Gain switched laser diodes for the characterization of subnanosecond voltage pulses 57
Integrated silicon Optical sensors based on hollow core waveguides 57
Metodo di misura di deformazioni dinamiche in fibra ottica basato sullo scattering di Brillouin tra due impulsi ottici, e relativo apparato 57
Metodo di misura di profilo di shift Brillouin in fibra ottica basato sulla demodulazione ottica dei segnali, e relativo apparato 57
Distributed fiber optic sensor for early detection of rocky slopes movements 56
Sensors based on surface plasmon resonance in a plastic optical fiber for biological and chemical sensing 56
Damage detection in bending beams through Brillouin distributed optic-fiber sensor 55
Analizzatore di modi trasversi per fasci laser 55
Generatore di impulsi di tensione di durata e polarità variabile mediante la configurazione Blumlein 55
Localized surface plasmon resonance with five-branched gold nanostars in a plastic optical fiber for bio-chemical sensor implementation 55
A complete optical sensor system based on a POF-SPR platform and a thermo-stabilized flow cell for biochemical applications 55
Metodo per la rilevazione in linea della concentrazione di almeno un composto furanico e/o di suoi derivati nell'olio di trasformatori 54
Accuracy enhancement in Brillouin distributed fiber-optic temperature sensors using signal deconvolution 54
High-speed photoconductive switches at high voltage bias in radar systems 54
Development and characterization of an integrated silicon micro flow cytometer 53
Performance of Slope Behaviour Indicators in Unsaturated Pyroclastic Soils 53
A reconstruction technique for Stimulated Brillouin Scattering based fiber-optic sensors for simultaneous measurement of temperature and strain 53
Modal analysis of a cantilever beam by use of Brillouin based distributed dynamic strain measurements 53
Short-term prediction of rainfall-induced flow-like landslides in unsaturated granular soils 53
Chemical sensors based on surface plasmon resonance in a plastic optical fiber for multianalyte detection in oil-filled power transformer 53
Characterization of the transverse modes in a laser beam: Analysis and application to a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser 52
Sensitive detection of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene by tridimensional monitoring of molecularly imprinted polymer with optical fiber and five-branched gold nanostars 52
"Measurements of the waist and power distribution across the transverse modes of a laser beam" 52
"Measurements of the power across the transverse modes of a laser resonator" 52
Real-time monitoring of railway traffic using slope-assisted Brillouin distributed sensors 52
A High Sensitivity Biosensor to detect the presence of perfluorinated compounds in environment 52
Brillouin optical frequency-domain single-ended distributed fiber sensor 51
Parametric description of the effect of electron irradiation on recombination lifetime in silicon layers: an experimental approach 51
The Role of Pulse Repetition Rate in nsPEF-Induced Electroporation: A Biological and Numerical Investigation 51
An Innovative Plastic Optical Fiber-based Biosensor for new Bio/applications. The Case of Celiac Disease 51
A reconstruction technique for long-range Stimulated Brillouin scattering distributed fiber-optic sensors: experimental results 51
Accuracy enhancement in Brillouin distributed fiber-optic temperature sensors using signal processing techniques 51
A new frequency domain approach to distributed fiber-optic Brillouin sensing 51
Semiconductor laser diode array characterization by means of field intensity measurements 51
Interruttore fotoconduttivo 51
Method for measuring the Brillouin shift distribution along optical fiber based on the optical demodulation of the signals, and relevant apparatus 51
Monitoring railways with optical fibers 50
Liquid-core/liquid-cladding integrated silicon arrow waveguides 50
Measurement of the waist and the power distribution across the transverse modes of a laser beam 50
"Characterization of the transverse modes in a laser beam; analysis and applications to a Q-switched Nd-YAG laser" 50
A reconstruction technique for Stimulated Brillouin Scattering fiber-optic sensors for simultaneous measurement of temperature and strain 50
Optofluidics: A new tool for sensing 50
Structural Health Monitoring by High-Resolution Brillouin-based Strain Measurements 50
High-resolution temperature/strain distributed measurements by fiber-optic Brillouin sensing 50
Sub-meter resolution distributed sensing based on frequency domain Brillouin scattering 50
A Simple Optical Sensor Based Approach for Early Stage Dry Eye Symptoms Detection 50
An Investigation on the Effects of Rainwater Infiltration in Granular Unsaturated Soils Through Small-Scale Laboratory Experiments 50
Optical Chemical Sensing Exploiting Inkjet Printing Technology and Molecularly Imprinted Polymers 50
Optimization of metal-clad waveguides for sensitive fluorescence detection 49
Monitoring of Low Levels of Furfural in Power Transformer Oil with a Sensor System Based on a POF-MIP Platform 49
Surface plasmon resonance sensor in plastic optical fibers. influence of the mechanical support geometry on the performances 49
Multi-wavelength optical characterization of the fabrication process of a silicon solar cell 49
Analysis of SNR penalty in Brillouin optical time-domain analysis sensors induced by laser source phase noise 49
A novel intensity-based sensor platform for refractive index sensing 49
A Dual-Wavelength Scheme for Brillouin Temperature Sensing in Optically Heated Co-Doped Fibers 48
High selectivity and sensitivity sensor based on MIP and SPR in tapered plastic optical fibers for the detection of l-nicotine 47
Brillouin-based fiber-optics sensors for vectorial dislocation monitoring of pipelines 47
ARROW waveguides integrated refractometer sensor 47
Totale 5.894
Categoria #
all - tutte 87.731
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 87.731

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020685 0 0 0 0 0 14 396 52 95 45 36 47
2020/20212.590 240 22 316 93 421 53 384 294 33 345 307 82
2021/20222.397 110 5 28 82 917 39 27 82 117 63 158 769
2022/20234.336 437 59 48 250 491 272 20 242 2.318 31 91 77
2023/20242.051 127 69 82 140 721 161 62 48 49 20 165 407
2024/20252.126 45 71 112 189 1.094 615 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 17.441