Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 5.094
EU - Europa 5.086
AS - Asia 1.165
SA - Sud America 26
AF - Africa 17
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 16
OC - Oceania 4
Totale 11.408
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 5.063
IE - Irlanda 1.520
IT - Italia 958
UA - Ucraina 736
GB - Regno Unito 554
DE - Germania 518
CN - Cina 454
SG - Singapore 314
TR - Turchia 225
FI - Finlandia 207
SE - Svezia 169
GR - Grecia 154
FR - Francia 73
KR - Corea 60
IN - India 36
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 31
CA - Canada 30
BE - Belgio 26
ES - Italia 25
AT - Austria 21
NL - Olanda 21
RO - Romania 18
EU - Europa 16
NO - Norvegia 16
BR - Brasile 15
PL - Polonia 13
IR - Iran 12
HK - Hong Kong 11
PK - Pakistan 10
ID - Indonesia 9
TN - Tunisia 8
CH - Svizzera 6
MY - Malesia 6
SA - Arabia Saudita 6
EC - Ecuador 5
RU - Federazione Russa 5
TH - Thailandia 5
PH - Filippine 4
PT - Portogallo 4
AU - Australia 3
BD - Bangladesh 3
DK - Danimarca 3
DZ - Algeria 3
MA - Marocco 3
UZ - Uzbekistan 3
BG - Bulgaria 2
CL - Cile 2
CO - Colombia 2
IQ - Iraq 2
JP - Giappone 2
NG - Nigeria 2
SI - Slovenia 2
AL - Albania 1
AR - Argentina 1
CY - Cipro 1
HU - Ungheria 1
JO - Giordania 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
LT - Lituania 1
MX - Messico 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PE - Perù 1
RS - Serbia 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 11.408
Città #
Dublin 1.514
Jacksonville 1.119
Santa Clara 906
Chandler 550
Ann Arbor 239
Princeton 217
Roxbury 203
Singapore 201
New York 145
Bremen 138
Medford 129
Ashburn 126
Naples 117
Caserta 116
Wilmington 113
Boardman 109
Woodbridge 94
Cambridge 93
Düsseldorf 84
Napoli 72
Beijing 60
Seoul 58
Nanjing 52
Des Moines 50
Mountain View 48
Jinan 35
Rome 32
San Mateo 28
Venice 23
Brussels 21
Brno 20
Shenyang 19
Kunming 18
Milan 18
Nanchang 18
Francolise 17
Helsinki 17
Vienna 17
Auburn Hills 16
Gloucester 16
Hebei 16
Hanover 15
London 15
Ottawa 15
Lanzhou 14
Norwalk 14
Taiyuan 14
Zhengzhou 14
Boscoreale 12
Haikou 12
Houston 12
Montesarchio 12
Ercolano 11
Grottaminarda 11
Redwood City 11
Guangzhou 10
Salerno 10
Turin 9
Brasília 8
Hangzhou 8
Istanbul 8
Ningbo 8
Seattle 8
Shanghai 8
Tianjin 8
Frankfurt am Main 7
Kocaeli 7
Kraków 7
Los Angeles 7
Marcianise 7
Nürnberg 7
Orange 7
Speyer 7
Stockholm 7
Aversa 6
Berlin 6
Cervinara 6
Chennai 6
Hong Kong 6
Jiaxing 6
Lappeenranta 6
Liverpool 6
Munich 6
Pune 6
Sant'Antonio Abate 6
Timisoara 6
Torino 6
Badalona 5
Brescia 5
Grafing 5
Groningen 5
Marano Di Napoli 5
Montréal 5
Paris 5
Stuttgart 5
Afragola 4
Calamba 4
Capua 4
Changchun 4
Lahore 4
Totale 7.352
Nome #
An Ontology for the Cloud in mOSAIC 128
Intelligent agents for diffused cyber-physical museums 125
New Perspectives for Smart Water Network monitoring, partitioning and protection with innovative On-line Measuring Sensors 115
SLA Negotiation and Brokering for Sky Computing 107
Aided exploitation and context awareness of complex archaeological sites by mobile devices 101
Integrating e-mobility in smart energy neighborhoods 95
Practical Guide to Cloud Service Level Agreements 92
Negotiation Policies for Provisioning of Cloud Resources 88
A simulation model for localization of pervasive objects using heterogeneous wireless networks 86
An Automated Tool for Smart Water Network Partitioning 85
Cloud evaluation: benchmarking and monitoring 85
AGENT BASED CLOUD PROVISIONING AND MANAGEMENT: Design and Prototypal Implementation 85
Message from the ITUS-13 organizing commitee 83
Distrettualizzazione automatica di una rete idrica di distribuzione basata sul partizionamento dei grafi 82
A Grid Service for Resource–to–Agent Allocation 80
A Simulation Approach for the Optimization of Solar Powered Smart Migro-Grids 80
A distributed and scalable solution for applying semantic techniques to big data 79
A Comparison of Two Different Approaches to Cloud Monitoring 78
Communication overlay for communities of collaborative agents in smart grid domains 78
Proxy agents for adaptive delivery of multimedia 77
Mobile Agents for Distributed and Dynamically Balanced Optimization Applications 77
A Distributed System for Smart Energy Negotiation 75
Agents based multi-criteria decision-aid 74
A Distributed Scheduling Framework Based on Selfish Autonomous Agents for Federated Cloud Environments 74
An SLA-based Broker for Cloud Infrastructures 73
On-line Measuring Sensors for Smart Water Network Monitoring 72
A skeleton based programming paradigm for mobile multi-agents on distributed systems and its realization within the MAGDA Mobile agents Platform 71
A Parallel and a Distributed Implementation of the Core Paths Graph Algorithm 71
Smart Communities of Intelligent Software Agents for Collaborating and Semantically Interoperable Micro-Grids 71
Automatic and Dynamic Composition of Web Services Using Ontologies 69
A Hierarchical distributed-shared memory Parallel Branch & Bound Application with Pvm and OpenMP for multiprocessor clusters 68
A RESTFull interface for scalable agents based cloud services 67
Semantic and Agent Technologies for Cloud Vendor Agnostic Resource Brokering 67
An application of learning agents to smart energy domains 67
Adaptive recommendation to dynamically changing profiles for delivery of ubiquitous services 67
An Event-Driven Multi Agent System for Scalable Traffic Optimization 67
An Advanced Intrusion Detection Framework for Cloud Computing 66
Agent based negotiation of decentralized energy production 65
Preface: Agents and semantic techniques as pillars of the as-a-service paradigm 65
Semantic engine and cloud agency for vendor agnostic retrieval, discovery, and brokering of cloud services 65
A Cyber Physical System of Smart Micro-Grids 65
Mobile Agent Programming for Clusters with Parallel Skeletons 64
A methodology based on computational patterns for offloading of big data applications on cloud-edge platforms 64
Integrating Distributed Component and Mobile Agents Programming Models in Grid Computing 63
A Multi-Criteria Decision Aid for Agent-Based Decision Makers 63
Inferring appliance load profiles from measurements 63
Enabling Mobile Agents transparent execution context migration through Globus services 62
A versioning based framework for semantic annotation of Web documents: OverFA 62
A Positioning Service for Pervasive Objects in Dynamic Environments 62
An Agent-based Approach for Smart Energy Grids 62
Services based Integrated Architecture for Adaptive Multimedia Delivery 62
Agents Based Cloud Computing Interface for Resource Provisioning and Management 62
A Cloud Agency for SLA Negotiation and Management 61
CoSSMic smart grid migration in federated clouds 61
A resource discovery service for a mobile agents based Grid infrastructure 60
Personalized recommendation of semantically annotated media contents 60
Multi-agent negotiation of decentralized energy production in smart micro-grid 60
Gestione Semantica e Adattativa per la Fruizione dei Contenuti Culturali nel Progetto LC3 59
A Negotiation Solution for Smart Grid Using a Fully Decentralized, P2P Approach 59
Management of High Performance Scientific Applications using Mobile Agents based Services 58
Cloud Agency: A Guide Through the Clouds 58
Terminal-Aware Grid Resource and Service Discovery and Access Based on Mobile Agents Technology 58
Brokering of cloud infrastructures driven by simulation of scientific workloads 58
A methodology for deployment of IoT application in fog 58
Advances in web/grid information and services discovery and management 57
Agent Based Application Tools for Cloud Provisioning and Management 56
Addressing Open Issues on Performances Evaluation in Cloud Computing 56
Smart sensor and big data security and resilience 56
GreenCharge Simulation Tool 56
A Mobile Agents based Infrastructure to deliver value added services in SOAs 55
Formal Modeling and Verification of Real-Time Multi-Agent Systems: the REMM Framework 55
Cloud Agency: A Mobile Agent Based Cloud System 55
A Hierarchical Approach for Designing Dependable Systems 55
Hosting mission-critical applications on cloud: Technical issues and challenges 55
Porting of Semantically Annotated and Geo-Located Images to an Interoperability Framework 54
Sistemi Basati su agenti mobili per la gestione di terminali eterogenei operanti in sicurezza 54
A Hierarchical distributed-shared memory Parallel Branch & Bound Application with Pvm and OpenMP for multiprocessor clusters 54
A Grid based distributed simulation of Plasma Turbulence 54
Agent-Based Decision Support for Smart Market Using Big Data 54
Welcome message from workshop organizers 54
Welcome message from the SWISM 2012 workshop co-chairs 54
The Cloud@Home Project: Towards a New Enhanced Computing Paradig 53
Design of policy-based security mechanisms in a distributed Web Services 53
Fruizione assistita context aware di siti archeologici complessi mediante dispositivi mobili 52
Agents based Monitoring of Heterogeneous Cloud Infrastructures 52
A scalable and distributed cloud brokering service 52
A Big Data Analysis and Visualization Pipeline for Green and Sustainable Mobility 52
A Framework for Mobile Agent Platform performance Evaluation 51
Software Agents for Collaborating Smart Solar-Powered Micro-Grids 51
A Semantic Support for Testing Activities of Safety-Critical Embedded Systems 51
BDI Intelligent Agents for Augmented Exploitation of Pervasive Environments 51
A Distributed Cloud Brokering Service 51
Big Data for Effective Management of Smart Grids 51
Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm for Multi-cloud Brokering 50
Performance Simulation of a Hybrid OpenMP/MPI Application with HeSSE 50
Mobile Agents Based Collective Communication: An Application to a Parallel Plasma Simulation 50
MAGDA: a software environment for Mobile AGent based Distributed Applications 50
Cloud Brokering as a Service 50
Totale 6.616
Categoria #
all - tutte 51.263
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 51.263

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020381 0 0 0 0 0 22 217 15 44 24 38 21
2020/20211.623 134 4 200 110 326 16 211 189 15 198 173 47
2021/20221.398 47 12 18 30 527 22 22 46 51 40 103 480
2022/20232.725 346 88 47 161 275 138 15 126 1.392 39 41 57
2023/20241.359 79 31 52 77 363 174 101 19 13 20 131 299
2024/20251.337 36 80 31 77 582 531 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 11.743