LO PRESTI, Alessandro

LO PRESTI, Alessandro  

Dipartimento di Psicologia  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autore(i) File
A Brief Psychometric Report on the Association Between Resource‑Based Employability and Perceived Employability 1-gen-2024 LO PRESTI, Alessandro; DE ROSA, Assunta
A contribution towards the validation of the Italian version of the entrepreneurial potential assessment inventory 1-gen-2016 Spagnoli, Paola; Santos, S. C.; Caetano, A.; LO PRESTI, Alessandro
A crossover study from a gender perspective: The relationship between job insecurity, job satisfaction and partners’ family life satisfaction 1-gen-2018 Emanuel, Federica; Molino, Monica; LO PRESTI, Alessandro; Spagnoli, Paola; Ghislieri, Chiara
A family-enriched perspective on the job-demands resources model 1-gen-2011 LO PRESTI, Alessandro; Nonnis, M.
A first examination of the structure of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale in an italian sample 1-gen-2008 LO PRESTI, Alessandro; Pace, F; Nonnis, M; Sprini, G.
A preliminary investigation of protean and boundaryless career attitudes on a sample of Italian workers 1-gen-2008 LO PRESTI, Alessandro; Nonnis, M; Briscoe, J.
A psychometric examination of the work-family balance scale. A multisample study on Italian workers 1-gen-2022 Landolfi, Alfonso; LO PRESTI, Alessandro
A Time-Lagged Examination of the Greenhaus and Allen Work-Family Balance Model 1-gen-2020 Landolfi, A.; Barattucci, M.; Lo Presti, A.
An examination of the structure of the Career Decision Self-Efficacy Scale (Short Form) among Italian high school students 1-gen-2013 LO PRESTI, Alessandro; Pace, F; Mondo, M; Nota, L; Casarubia, P; Ferrari, L; Betz, N. E.
Antecedents of career success of African migrant workers in Europe: A 2011–2019 systematic literature review and future research agenda 1-gen-2021 Abdi, TARIKU AYANA; Maria Peirò, José; LO PRESTI, Alessandro
Are freelancers a breed apart? The role of protean and boundaryless career attitudes in employability and career success 1-gen-2018 Lo Presti, A.; Pluviano, S.; Briscoe, J. P.
Are Support and Control Beneficial Stress Buffers in the Presence of Work–Family Barriers? Findings From Italy 1-gen-2016 LO PRESTI, Alessandro; Mauno, Saija
Assessement of career decision self efficacy in Italian guidance context 1-gen-2007 Pace, F; LO PRESTI, Alessandro; Randall, J.
Autoefficacia nelle scelte di carriera, comportamenti di ricerca lavorativa e disponibilità al trasferimento: un'indagine su un campione di disoccupati 1-gen-2007 Pace, F; LO PRESTI, Alessandro; Sprini, G.
Autoefficacia nelle scelte di carriera, stili decisionali e il ruolo dell’ansia 1-gen-2009 LO PRESTI, Alessandro; Mondo, M; Casarubia, P.
Barriere organizzative alla conciliazione e arricchimento lavoro-famiglia. Uno studio sulle potenziali risorse buffer 1-gen-2014 LO PRESTI, Alessandro; Mauno, S; Pluviano, S.
Be a boundaryless good guy! How job embeddedness mediates and organizational identification moderates the associations of boundaryless career attitude with extra-role behaviours 1-gen-2024 Lo Presti, Alessandro; De Rosa, Assunta; Kundi, Yasir Mansoor; Mamcarz, Piotr; Wołońciej, Mariusz
Benessere degli operatori sanitari e variabili correlate – analisi di un caso 1-gen-2008 LO PRESTI, Alessandro; Galullo, F.
Can protean orientations be increased? Results from classroom interventions 1-gen-2016 Briscoe, Jon; LO PRESTI, Alessandro; Unite, Julie
Career Competencies and Career Success: On the Roles of Employability Activities and Academic Satisfaction During the School-to-Work Transition 1-gen-2022 LO PRESTI, Alessandro; Capone, Vincenza; Aversano, Ada; Akkermans, Jos