The article starts from the verification of communis opinion according to which the military defense referred to in paragraph 1 of art. 52 Cost. has its own conceptual and institutional autonomy with respect to the fulfilment of the military service referred to in paragraph 2 of art. 52 Cost., because the scope of the first and second paragraphs of art. 52 Cost. They do not coincide, as there is a gender-specific relationship between general defense of the homeland and military service of the homeland. From this premise, according to which alongside the military defence of the homeland there may exist other forms of defence of the homeland, the research examines the orientation of the Constitutional Court which, while isolating the institution of "civil defence of the homeland" with respect to military defence, considers, then, that the latter is based on the value of social solidarity. The essay shows that: a) the civil defence of the homeland is related to the "political relations" between citizens and the homeland because art. 52 Cost. is placed in the section dedicated to political relations and not to ethical-social relations and is, therefore, an expression of political solidarity and not social; b) the defense of the homeland is, in general thesis, the response to an offense or aggression or serious danger to the State-Community, understood as a political unit; c) the civil defence of the fatherland, therefore, cannot be identified as mere "behaviours of social commitment", but presupposes and constitutes the defence to a "political offense" to the fatherland. The notion of civil defence as a political defence makes it possible to historicize the institution of political defence e.g. with regard to to the communication society. It follows that even resistance understood as a defense in the presence of an injury to the political image of the homeland falls within the genus of civil defence of the homeland.
L'articolo muove dalla verifica della communis opinio secondo la quale la difesa militare di cui al comma 1 dell’art. 52 Cost. ha una propria autonomia concettuale e istituzionale rispetto all’adempimento del servizio militare di cui al comma 2 dell’art. 52 Cost., perché la sfera di applicazione del primo e del secondo comma dell’art. 52 Cost. non coincidono, essendovi un rapporto di genere a specie tra difesa generale della patria e servizio militare della patria. Da tale premessa, secondo la quale accanto alla difesa militare della patria possono esistere altre forme di difesa della patria, la ricerca esamina l’orientamento della Corte costituzionale che, pur isolando l’istituto della “difesa civile della patria” rispetto alla difesa militare, ritiene, poi, che quest’ultima sia fondata sul valore della solidarietà sociale. Il saggio dimostra che: a) la difesa civile della patria attiene ai “rapporti politici” tra i cittadini e la patria perché l’art. 52 Cost. è collocato nella sezione dedicata ai rapporti politici e non ai rapporti etico-sociali ed è, perciò, espressione di solidarietà politica e non sociale; b) la difesa della patria è, in tesi generale, la risposta ad un’offesa o aggressione o pericolo grave per lo Stato-comunità, inteso come unità politica; c) la difesa civile della patria, perciò, non può identificarsi in meri “comportamenti di impegno sociale”, ma presuppone e costituisce la difesa ad una “offesa politica” alla patria. La nozione di difesa civile intesa come difesa politica consente di storicizzare l’istituto della difesa politica per es. con riguardo alla società della comunicazione. Ne consegue che anche la resistenza intesa come difesa in presenza di una lesione dell’immagine politica della patria rientra nel genus della difesa civile della patria.
Contributo allo studio della difesa civile della patria
Bocchini Francesco
The article starts from the verification of communis opinion according to which the military defense referred to in paragraph 1 of art. 52 Cost. has its own conceptual and institutional autonomy with respect to the fulfilment of the military service referred to in paragraph 2 of art. 52 Cost., because the scope of the first and second paragraphs of art. 52 Cost. They do not coincide, as there is a gender-specific relationship between general defense of the homeland and military service of the homeland. From this premise, according to which alongside the military defence of the homeland there may exist other forms of defence of the homeland, the research examines the orientation of the Constitutional Court which, while isolating the institution of "civil defence of the homeland" with respect to military defence, considers, then, that the latter is based on the value of social solidarity. The essay shows that: a) the civil defence of the homeland is related to the "political relations" between citizens and the homeland because art. 52 Cost. is placed in the section dedicated to political relations and not to ethical-social relations and is, therefore, an expression of political solidarity and not social; b) the defense of the homeland is, in general thesis, the response to an offense or aggression or serious danger to the State-Community, understood as a political unit; c) the civil defence of the fatherland, therefore, cannot be identified as mere "behaviours of social commitment", but presupposes and constitutes the defence to a "political offense" to the fatherland. The notion of civil defence as a political defence makes it possible to historicize the institution of political defence e.g. with regard to to the communication society. It follows that even resistance understood as a defense in the presence of an injury to the political image of the homeland falls within the genus of civil defence of the homeland.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.