FICCA, Gianluca
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 2.171
NA - Nord America 1.598
AS - Asia 131
OC - Oceania 6
SA - Sud America 4
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 3
Totale 3.913
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.591
IT - Italia 676
IE - Irlanda 609
UA - Ucraina 253
GB - Regno Unito 205
DE - Germania 184
FI - Finlandia 68
SE - Svezia 62
GR - Grecia 52
SG - Singapore 46
CN - Cina 39
TR - Turchia 28
FR - Francia 24
BE - Belgio 17
CA - Canada 7
HK - Hong Kong 7
AU - Australia 5
CH - Svizzera 5
ES - Italia 4
IL - Israele 4
NL - Olanda 4
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 3
EU - Europa 3
TW - Taiwan 3
AR - Argentina 2
AT - Austria 2
JP - Giappone 2
PT - Portogallo 2
BR - Brasile 1
CO - Colombia 1
KR - Corea 1
PF - Polinesia Francese 1
PH - Filippine 1
RU - Federazione Russa 1
Totale 3.913
Città #
Dublin 607
Jacksonville 403
Chandler 298
Bremen 88
Princeton 88
Ann Arbor 68
Medford 61
Roxbury 53
Naples 41
Cambridge 38
Wilmington 38
Woodbridge 34
San Mateo 32
Rome 31
Boardman 30
Caserta 27
Milan 27
Des Moines 25
Napoli 23
Singapore 22
Torino 17
Redwood City 15
Ashburn 13
Brussels 13
Portici 12
Florence 11
Capua 10
Beijing 9
Auburn Hills 8
Capriglia Irpina 8
Houston 7
Jinan 7
Casoria 6
Hong Kong 6
Salerno 6
Solofra 6
Düsseldorf 5
Kelowna 5
Mountain View 5
Oristano 5
Pellezzano 5
Trento 5
Avellino 4
Benevento 4
Brescia 4
New York 4
Norwalk 4
Reggio Emilia 4
Romainville 4
San Vito 4
Zibido San Giacomo 4
Arienzo 3
Casalecchio Di Reno 3
Casalnuovo Di Napoli 3
Castellammare Di Stabia 3
Felegara 3
Giugliano In Campania 3
Ladispoli 3
Nanchang 3
Nanjing 3
Ponte a Egola 3
Seattle 3
Tianjin 3
Arona 2
Barberino Di Mugello 2
Boston 2
Buenos Aires 2
Cava 2
Cetara 2
Chene-bougeries 2
Fairfield 2
Genova 2
Groningen 2
Grumo Nevano 2
Hefei 2
Kunming 2
Lappeenranta 2
Loitz 2
Lucca 2
Marano Di Napoli 2
Marlia 2
Matera 2
Modena 2
Moscow 2
Olgiate Comasco 2
Padova 2
Perugia 2
Pomigliano D'arco 2
Ponzano 2
San Marcellino 2
San Marco Evangelista 2
San Vittore Olona 2
Santa Maria Capua Vetere 2
Somma Vesuviana 2
Sorrento 2
Sparanise 2
Taipei 2
Venice 2
Alessandria 1
Anguillara Sabazia 1
Totale 2.362
Nome #
Fenomenologia del sonno: principi generali 131
La mente nel sonno 98
Sviluppi applicativi nella ricerca sonno-memoria: il reshaping e il ruolo della veglia per il sonno. 92
Increased spontaneous eye blink rate following prolonged wakefulness 78
Naps 73
Sonno, apprendimento e memoria. 72
Diurnal variation of spontaneous eye blink rate in the elderly and its relationships with sleepiness and arousal 70
Sleep continuity, stability and organization in good and bad sleepers. 70
Diurnal variation in spontaneous eye blink rate 68
Il mantenimento di vigilanza e performance nei pattern sonno-veglia irregolari: nuovi orientamenti farmacologici 68
Arousing effect of music and cognitive functions. The role of dopamine 68
The effects of complex cognitive training on subsequent night sleep. 64
Rapid eye movements before spontaneous awakenings in elderly subjects 62
Arousing effect of music and cognitive functions. The role of dopamine | [Effetti attivanti della musica nelle prestazioni cognitive. Il ruolo della funzione dopaminergica] 62
The effect of daytime naps on the recall of verbal material 61
Psicologia del Sonno 61
Lo sbadiglio dello struzzo 60
Introduzione 59
Variazioni stagionali nelle ammissioni per disturbi afettivi 58
High sleep fragmentation parallels poor subjective sleep quality during the third wave of the Covid-19 pandemic: An actigraphic study 57
Diurnal time course of sleepiness in Italian junior and high school students 54
Awakening from sleep 53
Changes in sleep timing and subjective sleep quality during the COVID-19 lockdown in Italy and Belgium: age, gender and working status as modulating factors 53
Credenze materne e modalità di parenting sul sonno del neonato: differenze cross-culturali 51
A 50-Hz electromagnetic field impairs sleep 50
Speaker’s hand gestures can modulate receiver’s negative reactions to a disagreeable verbal message. 50
Diurnal Variation of spontaneous eye blink rate in the elderly and its relationship with sleepiness and arousal 49
Sleep organization in the first year of life: developmental trends in the quiet sleep-paradoxical sleep cycle 47
Body movements during night sleep and their relationship with sleep stages are further modified in very old subjects 47
Percezione del corpo, comportamento alimentare e teatro- terapia 47
The effect of a daytime nap on priming and recognition tasks in preschool children. 46
Alertness-enhancig drugs as a countermeasure to fatigue in irregular work hours 46
Prevalenza dei disturbi affettivi stagionali: confronto tra centri a differente profilo socio-culturale 46
Body movements during night sleep in healthy elderly subjects and their relationship with sleep stages 46
Dissociated profiles of sleep timing and sleep quality changes across the first and second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic 46
Variazioni stagionali nelle ammissioni per disturbi affettivi 45
Naps, cognition and performance 44
Caveats on psychological models of sleep and memory: a compass in an overgrown scenario 44
Awakening and sleep-wake cycle across development 44
Awakening: remarks on methodology and research issues 43
Development of state regulation 43
The organization of rapid eye movement activity during rapid eye movement sleep is impaired in the elderly 41
Changes in spontaneous awakenings across the first year of life. 41
Il sogno: non solo REM 41
Changes in dream features across the first and second waves of the Covid-19 pandemic 41
Gates to awakening in early development 40
The Effect of Cognitive Activity on Sleep Maintenance in a Subsequent Daytime Nap 40
Awakening and sleep-wake cycle in infants 39
The effects of the COVID19-related lockdown are modulated by age: an Italian study in toddlers and pre-schoolers 39
Sleep measures expressing 'functional uncertainty' in elderlies' sleep. 38
Early steps of awakening process 37
Leptin and mood disorders 37
Seasonality of mood in Italy: role of latitude and sociocultural factors 36
Sleep deprivation effects on eye blink rate and alpha EEG power 35
Qualità soggettiva e organizzazione del sonno nel soggetto anziano 35
La percezione del sonno e dei suoi segnali nel soggetto insonne. 35
Preterm infants prefer the night to be awake 34
Relationships between Dream and Previous Wake Emotions Assessed through the Italian Modified Differential Emotions Scale 34
The effects of pre-sleep training on sleep continuity, stability and organization in elderly individuals. 33
Spontaneous awakenings in preterm and term infants assessed through 24-h video-recordings 33
Morning recall of verbal material depends on prior sleep organization 33
Lo sbadiglio: un segnale dal volto 33
Polygraphic investigation of 24 hour waking distribution in infants 33
Pre-sleep improves sleep continuity in young subjects with irregular sleep patterns 33
Sleep changes following intensive cognitive activity 33
The scoring of arousals in healthy term infants (between the ages of 1 and 6 months) 32
Spontaneous awakening from sleep in the first year of life 32
The organization of rapid eye movement activity during rapid eye movement sleep is further impaired in very old human subjects 32
Dream recall in eldely subjects after spontaneous awakenings in laboratory 32
International multifocus approach on arousals in children 31
Priming recognition in good sleepers and in insomniacs 31
The role of environmental context in modulating subjective sleepiness and sleep quality in the elderly: a comparison between home-dwelling subjects and nursing home residents. 30
Psychological factors associated with self-awakening ability. 30
False memories formation is increased in individuals with insomnia 30
Good and Bad Sleep in Childhood: A Questionnaire Survey amongst School Children in Southern Italy 29
Effects of different types of hand gestures in persuasive speech on receivers' evaluations 29
Reazioni avverse da farmaci ansiolitici 29
Schooltime subjective sleepiness and performance in Italian primary school children 29
Rapid Eye Movements activity in REM episodes preceding the awakening in the elderly 28
The portrayal of patient and psychiatrist is sexually biased in psychotropic drug advertisements 27
Recenti evidenze sulle interazioni tra circadianità e omeostasi nella modulazione dei ritmi sonno-veglia e dei processi cognitivi. 27
Sleep enhances strategic thinking at the expense of basic procedural skills consolidation 27
Factors involved in sleep satisfaction in the elderly 26
Motility trends in preterm and near term infants and their implications for understanding the development of the human sleep-wake cycle. 26
Learning monologues at bedtime improves sleep quality in actors and non-actors 26
What in sleep is for memory 24
Prevalence and Determinants of Bad Sleep Perception among Italian Children and Adolescents 23
Sleep and psychological characteristics in habitual self-awakeners and forced awakeners. 23
Meta-analytic evidence that attachment insecurity is associated with less frequent experiences of discrete positive emotions 8
False memories formation after a retention period spent asleep or awake in individuals with insomnia and good sleepers: a polysomnographic study 8
Sleep Continuity, Stability and Cyclic Organization Are Impaired in Insomniacs: A Case-Control Study 7
Habitual Videogame Playing Does Not Compromise Subjective Sleep Quality and Is Associated with Improved Daytime Functioning 6
False recalls, but not false recognitions, at the DRM paradigm are increased in subjects reporting insomnia symptoms: An online study 6
The effects of sleep quality on dream and waking emotions 6
Editorial: Long-term effects of COVID-19 pandemic on sleep and their relationships with mental health. 3
Totale 3.997
Categoria #
all - tutte 14.526
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 14.526

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2018/20197 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 4
2019/2020520 77 69 3 9 79 19 118 45 48 21 16 16
2020/2021644 73 3 68 37 89 24 106 67 23 77 65 12
2021/2022635 37 3 17 16 223 4 32 27 21 11 71 173
2022/20231.182 106 58 29 78 151 70 3 67 549 15 31 25
2023/2024461 70 18 28 57 150 22 8 31 25 6 46 0
Totale 3.997