BARBATO, Giuseppe
BARBATO, Giuseppe
Dipartimento di Psicologia
0128 Little Evidence of Day-to-Day Sleep Homeostasis During a Month of 14-hour Nights
2018 Klerman, E B; Barbato, G; Czeisler, C A; Wehr, T A
A biphasic daily pattern of SWA during a two day 90 minute sleep wake schedule
2009 DUNCAN W., C; Barbato, Giuseppe; Fagioli, I; GARCIA BORREGUERO, D; Wehr, T. A.
A follow-up study of tardive dyskinesia in chronic schizophrenia
1992 Puca, M; Muscettola, G; Barbato, Giuseppe; De Fazio, P; Amati, A.
A seasonal photoperiodic clock in the humen brain- Possible role in the regulation of sleep and in the pathophysiology of affective illness
1994 Wehr, Ta; Moul, De; Barbato, Giuseppe; Giesen, Ha; Seidel, Ja; Barker, C; Bender, C.
Adverse effects of antidepressants and antipsychotics: A comparison between old and new generation drugs in a clinical naturalistic setting
2003 Barbato, Giuseppe; Muscettola, G; Casiello, M.
Arousing effect of music and cognitive functions. The role of dopamine
2007 Barbato, Giuseppe; DE PADOVA, V; Martini, V; Paolillo, A. R.; Arpaia, L; Russo, E; Ficca, Gianluca
Arousing effect of music and cognitive functions. The role of dopamine | [Effetti attivanti della musica nelle prestazioni cognitive. Il ruolo della funzione dopaminergica]
2007 Barbato, Giuseppe; DE PADOVA, V; Martini, V; Paolillo, A. R.; Arpaia, L; Russo, E; Ficca, Gianluca
Attention Deficit/hyperactivity Disorder symptoms and sleep quality assessed on healthy adults
2016 Costanzo, A.; Maisto, M.; Arpino, M.; Bruno, T.; Cirace, F.; Gazzillo, D.; Vitolo, V.; Ziviello, A.; Barbato, G.
Attività creativa e suicidio.Considerazioni su Geza Csath, Georg Trackl, Gerard de Nerval, Heinrich von Kleist
1988 Barbato, Giuseppe; Bellini,
2010 Barbato, Giuseppe; Costanzo, A; della Monica, C; Cerrato, Flavia
Can People Sleep Too Much? Effects of Extended Sleep Opportunity on Sleep Duration and Timing
2021 Klerman, Elizabeth B.; Barbato, Giuseppe; Czeisler, Charles A.; Wehr, Thomas A.
Conservation of photoperiod-responsive mechanisms in humans
1993 Wehr, T. A.; Moul, D; Barbato, Giuseppe; Giesen, H; Seidel, Ja
Creatività e follia. tra mito e realtà clinica
2022 Barbato, Giuseppe
Daylighting offices: A first step toward an analysis of photobiological effects for design practice purposes
2014 Bellia, Laura; Pedace, Alessia; Barbato, Giuseppe
Dissociations between sleep and endocrine function induced by changes in day length (Photoperiod)
1994 Wehr, Ta; Moul, De; Barbato, Giuseppe; Giesen, Ha; Seidel, Ja; Barker, C; Bender, C.
Disturbo affettivo stagionale e fototerapia
1990 Muscettola, G; Barbato, Giuseppe
Diurnal variation in spontaneous eye blink rate
2000 Barbato, Giuseppe; Ficca, Gianluca; Fichele, M; Beatrice, M; Muscettola, G; Rinaldi, F.
Diurnal Variation of spontaneous eye blink rate in the elderly and its relationship with sleepiness and arousal
2009 DE PADOVA, V; Barbato, Giuseppe; Conte, F; Ficca, Gianluca
Diurnal variation of spontaneous eye blink rate in the elderly and its relationships with sleepiness and arousal
2009 DE PADOVA, V.; Barbato, Giuseppe; Conte, F.; Ficca, Gianluca
Dopamine activation in Neuroticism as measured by spontaneous eye blink rate
2012 Barbato, Giuseppe; DELLA MONICA, C; Costanzo, A; DE PADOVA, V.