Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Ambientali Biologiche e Farmaceutiche (DISTABiF)
A secondary method for hot syngas cleaning in fluidized bed gasifiers: tar removal by activated carbons
2015 Di Gregorio, F; Parrillo, F; Cammarota, F; Salzano, ; Arena, Umberto
Activated chars for tar conversion at high temperature
2017 Parrillo, F; Fuentes, D; Ruoppolo, G; Arena, U
Air gasification of eucalyptus biomass in a pilot scale fluidized bed reactor
2019 Cali, G; Parrillo, F; Marotto, D.; Pettinau, A; Arena, U
An LCA answer to the mixed plastics waste dilemma: Energy recovery or chemical recycling?
2023 Arena, U.; Parrillo, F.; Ardolino, F.
Biogas-to-biomethane upgrading: A comparative review and assessment in a life cycle perspective
2021 Ardolino, F.; Cardamone, G. F.; Parrillo, F.; Arena, U.
Biowaste-to-biomethane or biowaste-to-energy? An LCA study on anaerobic digestion of organic waste
2018 Ardolino, Filomena; Parrillo, Francesco; Arena, Umberto
Co-gasification of plastics waste and biomass in a pilot scale fluidized bed reactor
2023 Parrillo, Francesco; Ardolino, Filomena; Boccia, Carmine; Calì, Gabriele; Marotto, Davide; Pettinau, Alberto; Arena, Umberto
Combined Use of an Information System and LCA Approach to Assess the Performances of a Solid Waste Management System
2023 Ardolino, Filomena; Parrillo, Francesco; Di Domenico, Carlo; Costarella, Fabio; Arena, Umberto
Comparison behaviour of commercial activated carbon and coal-derived chars in hot syngas cleaning
2018 Parrillo, F; Fuentes, D; Ruoppolo, G; Arena, U
2016 U, Arena; F DI, Gregorio; Parrillo, F
Defluidization phenomena during the fluidized bed gasification of Arundo donax
2016 Arena, U; Di Gregorio, F; Parrillo, F
Environmental performance of three innovative leather production processes using less chromium and water
2024 Ardolino, Filomena; Parrillo, Francesco; Arena, Umberto
Filtrazione a caldo di gas di sintesi con carboni attivi di nuova generazione
2014 Parrillo, F; Di Gregorio, F; Arena, U
Fluidized bed gasification of biomass: design and operating criteria from a pilot scale study
2016 Parrillo, F; Calì, G; Maggio, E; Pettinau, A; Annoscia, O; Saponaro, A; Arena, Umberto
Fluidized bed gasification of eucalyptus chips: Axial profiles of syngas composition in a pilot scale reactor
2021 Parrillo, F; Ardolino, F; Cali’, G; Marotto, D; Pettinau, A; Arena, U
Mixed Plastic Waste Gasification in a Large Pilot-Scale Fluidized Bed Reactor Operated with Oxygen-Enriched Air and Steam
In corso di stampa Parrillo, Francesco; Ardolino, Filomena; Boccia, Carmine; Calì, Gabriele; Pettinau, Alberto; Arena, Umberto
Modelling of oxygen-steam gasification of waste feedstock in industrial fluidized bed reactors
2025 Sebastiani, A.; Parrillo, F.; Ardolino, F.; Arena, U.; Iannello, S.; Materazzi, M.
Plastic waste gasification using oxygen-enriched air and steam: Experimental and model results from a large pilot-scale reactor
2024 Parrillo, Francesco; Ardolino, Filomena; Calì, Gabriele; Pettinau, Alberto; Materazzi, Massimiliano; Sebastiani, Alex; Arena, Umberto
Removal of naphthalene by activated carbons from hot gas
2016 Di Gregorio, F.; Parrillo, F.; Salzano, E.; Cammarota, F.; Arena, Umberto
Steam reforming of tar in hot syngas cleaning by different catalysts: Removal efficiency and coke layer characterization
2023 Parrillo, Francesco; Boccia, Carmine; Ruoppolo, Giovanna; Commodo, Mario; Berruti, Franco; Arena, Umberto