CAVALLO, Alberto
CAVALLO, Alberto
Dipartimento di Ingegneria
3-d hand pose estimation from kinect’s point cloud using appearance matching
2016 Coscia, Pasquale; Palmieri, Francesco; Castaldo, Francesco; Cavallo, Alberto
A Class of Strongly Stabilizing Bandpass Controllers for Flexible Structures
2011 Cavallo, Alberto; DE MARIA, Giuseppe; Natale, Ciro; Pirozzi, Salvatore
A Consensus-Based Current Sharing Algorithm for Energy Storage Systems: An Application to Aeronautic Microgrids
2024 Canciello, G.; Russo, A.; Cavallo, A.
A Feedback Broadband Vibration Control of an Aeronautical Panel
2002 Natale, Ciro; F., Franco; Cavallo, Alberto; F., Marulo
A Fuzzy Control Strategy for the Regulation of an Artificial Reservoir
2003 Cavallo, Alberto; DI NARDO, Armando; DI NATALE, Michele
A Fuzzy Decision Support System for an Hydraulic Application
2007 Cavallo, Alberto; DI NARDO, Armando; DI NATALE, Michele
A Hidden Markov Model-Based Approach to Grasping Hand GesturesClassification
2016 Di Benedetto, Anna; Palmieri, Francesco; Cavallo, Alberto; Falco, Pietro
A Note on Computing the Minimum Distance between Lyapunov Functions
1992 Cavallo, Alberto; DE MARIA, Giuseppe
A Petri net application for energy management in aeronautical networks
2013 Guida, Beniamino; Cavallo, Alberto
A Polynomial Approach to Simultaneous Stabilization of SISO Plants
1991 Cavallo, Alberto; DE MARIA, Giuseppe
A Re-entry Capsule Control System Design for Microgravity Experiments
1992 Cavallo, Alberto; DE MARIA, Giuseppe; DE NICOLA, V; Ferrara, F.
A Robust Controller for Active Vibration Control of Flexible Systems
1997 Cavallo, Alberto; DE MARIA, Giuseppe; Leccia, E; Setola, R.
A robust output feedback control law for MIMO plants
2002 Cavallo, Alberto; Natale, Ciro
A Saturated Higher Order Sliding Mode Control Approach for DC/DC Converters
2022 Russo, A.; Incremona, G. P.; Cavallo, A.
A Second Order Sliding Control Approach for Vibration Reduction
2000 Cavallo, Alberto; Nistri, P.; Zoli, E.
A Singular Values based approach to Segmentation and Classification of Primitive Actions for a Human Hand
2010 Cavallo, Alberto; Pizzo, S.
A Sliding Manifold Approach for the Vibration Reduction of Flexible Systems
1999 Cavallo, Alberto; DE MARIA, Giuseppe; Setola, R.
A Sliding Manifold Approach to Satellite Attitude Control
1993 Cavallo, Alberto; DE MARIA, Giuseppe; Ferrara, F; Nistri, P.
A Sliding Manifold Approach to the Feedback Control of Rigid Robots
1996 Cavallo, Alberto; DE MARIA, Giuseppe; Nistri, P.
A Sugeno fuzzy model for daily rainfall series prediction based on local meteorological data
2007 Cavallo, Alberto; Greco, Roberto